Your contact to the Nautic Alliance. Use the following contact form, send an e-mail to or give us a call! Inquiries Contact us now Please fill out the following contact form, we look forward to hearing from you. First name* Last name* e-mail* Phone number* Wir kontaktieren Sie gerne zu Ihrem gewünschten Anlass: Select area*YachtcharterYachtkauf / YachtinvestYachtservicesonstiges Your message* Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine Daten in unserer Datenbank gespeichert werden. Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und akzeptiere sie. Jetzt anfragen Bundled competence around yachting Diverse possibilities with the Nautic Alliance.Your all-roundService for unforgettable nautical experiences. Charter a yachtUnlimited freedom for the best time of the year. Follow us to the most beautiful charter areas in the world. Read more Buy a yachtMake your dream of owning your own yacht come true. With decades of experience in the charter market, the members of Nautic Alliance are your trusted partners. Read more Yacht serviceWe offer a well-developed yachtService structure in Croatia at Nautic Alliance.Read more